SoFla Welcomes Tostobueno® OTRA VEZ to Cuba Nostalgia

Tostobueno®, The Simple Chef® Caribbean Hot Sauce A Hit @ Cuba Nostalgia ’12

2012 marked our fourth year at Cuba Nostalgia in South Miami, Florida. I remember the day I learned all about the biggest nostalgia event in the country. It was about five years ago and about four or five apartments ago (I move every year it seems.)

I was living in The Bronx when inspiration hit and I called Ed Castaneda of for event ideas for Tostobueno®. He suggested Cuba Nostalgia. And the rest– as they say — “es historia.”

Here is 2012 in review.

National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (NMSDC) certifies TOSTOBUENO® LLC

tostobueno-logoOn Sept. 16th, 2008 Tostobueno LLC, the manufacturers of the Old Fashioned Plantain Smasher, was certifed as a bona fide minority owned and operated business company by the National Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (NMSDC)

From The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. website: The New York & New Jersey Minority Supplier Development Council, Inc. (The Council), established in 1973 is a vital link between major corporations and minority business enterprises (MBEs). The Council encourages its membership of Fortune 500 companies, government agencies and educational institutions, to include MBEs as their regular suppliers of products, goods and services.

Meet the Old Fashion Plantain Smasher — The Tostobueno®!

Every evening I would watch my mother cook fried plantains called tostones. She would lay the green plantains on the counter. Slice the ends off. And carefully peel the skins from around the fruit inside. Then she cut them into little pieces that would eventually be placed in a cast iron skillet filled with hot melted lard. When they were a rich golden brown she’d fish them out of the skillet and let them cool a little. Then she’d fish them out of the skillet and let them cool a little. Then she’s pull from the kitchen drawer a greasy brown paper bag that she protected as if it were some high priced kitchen tool that she just couldn’t lose. She put one plantain at a time inside and smashed it with the coffee can she’d made fresh Cuban coffee from earlier that day. Then she fried them again.

These were our McDonalds’ French fries. And today whenever my Hispanic friends and I get together we always talk about how our mothers of grandmother made tostones. Sometimes the story involved two saucers or simply the peel from the banana being used to get the plantains flat enough to make a good toston chip. And who hasn’t tried to use one of those cheap tostonera that break after you use it a couple of times. These days the brown paper bags are replaced by plastic. And making tostones the old fashioned way for Latinos is frustrating and time-consuming effort. It makes it hard to carry on old traditions.

Then along came Tostobueno, the Ultimate Tostonera® one kitchen tool aimed at keeping old traditions alive but accommodating the new age schedules and commitments of the chef on the go.

Annette E Alvarez

The Old Fashioned Plantain Smasher in 3 Sizes

The Old Fashioned Plantain Smasher in 3 sizes

Cut 2", place lengthwise

Cut 2inches and place lengthwise

Three perfect cups!

Three perfect cups!

The Pefect Toston Cup Frying

The Pefect Toston Cup Frying

Hinges that will last!

Hinges that will last!

Tostobueno® hinges close-up

Tostobueno® hinges close-up

Eco-Friendly Tostonera Cups Side

Eco-Friendly Tostonera Cups Side

Eco-Friendly Tostobueno® Flat Side

Eco-Friendly Tostobueno® Flat Side